




Stone is mainly composed of di open stone, kaolinite and cinnabar, due to the cinnabar colour and lustre is gorgeous, such as chicken blood red, so the name. The red part of the stone known as the "blood", outside the red part is called "ground", "the child", or "base", can show various colors. Due to the low production and high value, mainly is used as a seal carving material and process, also for collection. According to historical records and physical research, about 600 years of the early Ming dynasty, it was found that the stone, because of its fine texture, color crystal clear, easy to carve a person fondle admiringly, due to take credit for the emperor's famous at home and abroad. Bloodstone is cinnabar dickite in the band, its color than cinnabar red. Because the color of it like a chicken blood red, so people commonly known as stone. The earliest Chinese found bloodstone is zhejiang jade mountain chicken blood stone, also called chicken blood stone

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